Denominación de Origen La Mancha
La Mancha Excellent is a voluntary subclassification, which can be reached only by those maximum quality wines already covered by the Designation and subjected to the controls stipulated in its Product Specifications.
The maximum production of this type of wine would be limited to 1% of those wines qualified with Designation of Origin La Mancha the year of its harvest, which production cannot exceed 50,000 bottles per winery reference.
In order to obtain the excellence rating, the applicant wine must undergo four valuation tastings and pass all of them with a score higher than 85 points. In short, a rigorous traceability and quality control which entitles them to obtain “La Mancha Excellent” guarantee seal.
The base for these Premium wines are the main varieties of the Designation of Origin La Mancha; Airén, in whites and Tempranillo in reds; although coupages from these mentioned varieties are also accepted.
This mention that was approved by the General Assembly of the Interprofessional Association of the Regulatory Council of the Designation of Origin La Mancha in 2018, being the wines of that vintage the first to be commercialized with this exclusive indication.